‘Late Night with the Devil’ Now Available at Home; $14.99 to Buy, Streaming Free on Shudder

Critically acclaimed horror film Late at night with the devil It was released in theaters nationwide last month, and after grossing over $10 million, it’s now available at home!

How and where you can watch Late night with the devil At home you ask?

The easiest and cheapest way to watch Late night with the devil At home the movie is streaming dither, which is currently his exclusive streaming site. This will of course require a Shudder subscription; If you don’t have one of these already – and you should! -You can sign up today and get the first seven days free, with plans starting at $5.99 per month.

But Shudder isn’t the only place you can watch the movie, even if it’s the only streaming service it’s available on. You can also purchase digitally Late night with the devil On platforms like Prime Video and Fandango at Home (formerly Vudu), it will set you back $14.99.

Check it out then come back here and let us know what you think!

[Related] The Devil Wants You: The Real Life Inspirations Behind ‘Late Night with the Devil’

David Dastmalchian (Dune, Suicide Squad) plays Jack Delroy, the charismatic host of the Night Owls show, and the film follows the ill-fated recording of a live broadcast of a Halloween special in 1977 that is plagued by a demonic presence. The active and innovative feature hails from Australian writing and directing team Colin And Cameron Cairns (100 Bloody Acres, an intimidation campaign).

In her review of Bloody Disgusting, Megan Navarro wrote, “Late night with the devil It captures the chaotic energy of a late-night show, embracing irreverent comedy and the pressures of live television with imitative style. It’s a clever Trojan horse for a surprising horror movie that does its best against the turbulent, demonic chaos.

Late night with the devil Stephen King and Kevin Smith also praised it The king tweets: “Late night with the devil. It’s absolutely amazing. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. Your results may vary, as they say, but I urge you to watch it when you can.


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